Quality Management - ISO 9001 Logo OHS Management System - ISO 45001 Logo  ISO 14001 Logo iCIRT from Equifax with QR Code
iCIRT from Equifax with QR Code Quality Management - ISO 9001 Logo OHS Management System - ISO 45001 Logo  ISO 14001 Logo ISO 45001, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 Logo

02 9630 7955 01 / 06

Build the Best

With a passion for great service, we help our clients build the best projects by taking care of their surveying and land titling needs.

Why SDG 02 / 06

Our organic approach means we remain agile and responsive to the individual needs of our clients and our team.

With these efforts, our culture develops and grows ensuring we attract the right staff and clientele.



We do what we say we will do


We strive to be our best all the time


We do what is right, no matter the cost

One Team

Others first, me second


People are our best asset


You are important and necessary to growth and sustainability.


Support the wider community in which all live.


Humility and honesty enable our relationships to flourish.

Contact 06 / 06

Suite 1, 3 Railway Street Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

Phone: 02 9630 7955
Email: office@sdg.net.au
Office hours: Monday to Friday
8am - 5pm
(closed 12-1pm)

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.